Monday, February 4, 2008

7 things

Diary of a Young Horse tagged me to write 7 things you might not know about me (or Odin, I suppose), so here goes:

1. I have lived my whole life within a 50 km radius, until we in July 2005 moved about 7800 km from Copenhagen to the Seattle area.

2. I have had one dream about Odin (that I remember), in which it was very important that I bring him to Verden for the Hannoverian stallion licencing. I thought it was a bad idea, but his breeders (whom I have never met), told me it was very important for the owners of the foals he had sired. This being a dream it made no sense, even though Odin presumably have sired some foals before he was gelded at 5 years old. I remember I was stressed in dream over bringing him to Germany (why on earth would I bring a 15 year old horse across the ocean for that?), but not over riding him, which is funny since I pretty sure I would not be able to present him in any way to his advantage :P. Anyway, I guess dreams a silly like that.

3. Unlike so many horse people, I am not really a dog person. I like other people's dogs if they are nice, but I would never own one. We have 2 cats, and I also have a freshwater aquarium tank (which had been somewhat neglegted after I got Odin)

4. It is hard to make out in pictures, but Odin has a tiny white snip on his lip. It is very cute.

5. I am in many ways a real geek, I am a software developer by profession, I love sci-fi shows (Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica), playing PC and console games. Actually, if I am not in the barn, I am probably in front of the computer, or maybe the TV.

6. After we moved to the US and could suddenly afford decent cars, both my and my husband got a lot more interested in them. I love my 2005 Mazda MX-5 Mazadaspeed, so much fun. We ended up spending a lot of time looking at cars, we now have 3 for the 2 of us (our American friends mock us and say we have been assimilated), we go to car shows, sporadicly reads car magazines etc. We don't have a truck, though (yet).

7. I rarely watch sports, but I love figure skating and follows it closely. I try to catch every thing the send on TV, what I can find on youtube (Russian tv shows every competition, apperently, yay!), reads about the skaters and so. I am trying to figure out how I can watch the figure skating in the 2010 Olympics, since it will be just around the corner in Vancouver, BC.

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