Saturday, October 13, 2007

Riding Without Instruction and The Great Outdoors

Yesterday and today I rode without having a lesson, since L. is out of town (normally she rides him Friday, and I have a lesson Saturday).

First off the clipping, it was very nicely done. The guy who does it also clips a lot of hunters, so it was a full body clip, the legs, head everywhere. I actually like it a lot. I did remember to ask him to not clip the whiskers on Odin's muzzle, something they are fond of here in the US. I believe they have those whiskers for a reason, how can he otherwise know what he sticks his muzzle in? I did, however, forget to tell him not to clip inside the ears, another Americanism. Now Odin has sad naked ears :(. He did survive with that the first 15 years of his life, so he will probably be OK, but I think there gets a lot of dust in there without the protection.

Now, riding. I really do not ride as well without instruction, I suspect I am not determined enough, and also that I do not have developed the 'feel' of when his response to my aids are correct.
That being said, I practiced the canter and the transitions, and it is getting much better. I still struggle with sitting correctly, with an open and relaxed seat, non pinching legs and using my aids quietly to ask him to come up to me. But I sit a lot more upright, and I can support him enough on the outside so he doesn't get long and break. The right side is still way better than the left though.
The canter-trot transitions were a lot better today, again I was able to sit better through them and keep him from falling apart and running away as soon as I hit the trot.

I am convinced that as soon as I can keep my seat in the saddle, relaxed and following the horse, I will be able to ride as well as I want to...

Yesterday and today the weather was great, so I took the opportunity to take a walk outside. Friday, I did it before I rode, since it was getting late (and dark). When I was at the mounting block, Odin as very 'looky', but he sometimes is like that so I didn't think about it. Then I got on the block and faced the thicket next to arena, and there were two bobcats! Very cute! I have never seen them out side a Zoo before. That adds to the rabbits, deers and coyote I have seen around the barn...

The view from the barn is gorgeous, you can see right across Snoquamie River Valley and to the Cascades on a bright day. Today there was mist in the valley, and that was horse-eating mist at that! Odin is not the bravest horse when he is alone, but we did walk a bit around on the barns grassy, hilly (and stony, no trot) area behind the paddocks.

Odin is a funny horse, when he encounters dangerous stuff, he doesn't bolt or something wild, he just stops, and turns around. Then I turn him around and make him look. Then he turns around. I turn him back. Walk a few steps. Stops, looks, turns around... I am trying to get him used to the area, so it is not A Big Deal. We will see. In this season you never know what day is the last without rain, hopefully we will get out more.

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