Friday, October 12, 2007

Canter, seat, and season changes...

I have one of my lessons Wednesday mornings, and sometimes L. warms up Odin for me. She did this Wednesday, because she wanted to get him more supple and connected to I could get a better 'feel' for my seat.

That worked, I felt I sat better than I have ever done before, yay! I have trouble in the canter supporting him on the outside, and I tend to lean forward and perch out of the saddle, letting him get long and out of balance. This Wednesday that didn't happen, I really felt like I was sitting in the saddle in the canter, and I could keep him in balance a lot better.

Odin did get quite the workout with L. riding him, and since the weather has been cold/warm/cold, he was all fuzzy, and totally sweaty when we were done, poor guy. After the lesson I hosed him down, covered him with 2 fleece sheets and left him under the heater in the tack up area, since it is cool. L. (or the groom T.) put him away for me when he was dry, since I had to go to work.

Wet Odin:

Wednesday evening he got a clip, so hopefully no more excessive sweating. I havn't seen it yet, since L. rode him yesterday.


Susan said...

So, what kind of clip did he get? I love fuzzy-bear winter coated necks, too bad they're not practical :(

Maat said...

No more fuzzy neck, he got a full body clip.
His mane is still all messy, I havn't pulled it yet.